Located in Chikugo, Fukuoka, JAPAN
What is Samu é ... It is said that the samué was originally the work outfit of Zen Buddhist monks when they carried out work (“samu”). The work of Zen monks, or Zen priests, includes cleaning, cutting firewood, working in the fields, and other chores at the temple. As it was a work outfit, it did not originally have a defined shape, but was called samué, in reference to the outfit generally used for work. .
It is not known when samué appeared, but one theory is that it was first used at Eihéiji Temple in the 1960s. At first, there was no high and low set, as there was is the case today, but only a long jacket, and the sleeves were wider than today's to fit the kimono sleeves. A monpé was worn underneath, and the cuffs and hem could be tied with strings to keep out dust and debris.
Originally created as "work clothes for monks", samué is now experiencing renewed interest in Japan as indoor clothing for current generations, as it can be worn in all seasons and is designed to move easily. .
The difference between the latter and the jinbei is that... the jinbei is also Japanese work clothing but the jinbei has short sleeves and short pants, it is often made of fine materials such as linen or cotton, and is often worn in summer.
The samué have long sleeves and long pants and are made of durable materials and can be worn in all seasons.
Mitsunobu Orimono... Since its establishment in 1961, Mitsunobu Orimono has produced a variety of products using yarn-dyed fabrics while transmitting the techniques of Kurume weaving, a typical fabric from the Chikugo region in Fukuoka Prefecture.
We design, produce and sell a wide range of products, including hanten, samué, jinbei, monpé, aprons, blouses, kappogi, women's clothing and men's cotton shirts.
We are committed to ensuring "totally in-house production" which includes planning, production and sales, from selecting the right yarns for the product, weaving the fabric, designing and sewing to the finished product.
Our products are often used in everyday life, which is why we make them every day with the motto "manufacture to bring happiness and improve everyday life".
Enjoy the vibrant patterns and colors created by our skilled artisans.